
Photo by Frances Marshall Photography

(who liked the Jordans/jeans combo that I arrived in)

Hello, world!

This is my newly reconstructed website. Welcome.

If you were previously following my work, I apologise for my online absence on just about every platform. Ever since the pandemic-which-shall-not-be-named halted what was to be incredibly busy season of concerts in 2020, I took the opportunity to take quite a big step back to think about just about everything in my life, but in particular, what I’m actually doing as a musician in this world.

A couple of years later, I’m now finally ready to take an even bigger step forward and emerge from this cocoon of mine, as a reconstructed me.

There’s still a lot to do in terms of enacting this new vision of mine but one thing I am sure about is that there is too little time to compromise on it. I’m done with pretending to be something I’m not just to appease expectations on what I should be.

A big shout out to Marshall Light Studio for these new pictures around my website, and for also encouraging me to really put my most genuine self out there.

I’m not quite sure how committed I’ll stay to this blog format, or what exactly to share, but I’m thinking it might be worthwhile to get some thoughts out here and on my new Twitter (provided that Twitter stays running).

Anyways, thanks for checking this out! I have to pay to keep this website running so you can be sure I’ll be making the most out of it and sharing my music-making.